Tuesday, September 16, 2014

how to check for debug symbols on osx ?

After last submission of my py2app app to Mac App Store I've received email:

Missing DWARF data - Your app does not include DWARF data with architecture information in Contents/MacOS/Capturebox . In your Xcode build settings, ensure that the debug information is set to "DWARF with dSYM" and that the list of valid architectures does not include PPC.

When creating .app file with py2app be sure to set:

no_strip: True 

in your py2app options.

Existence of debug symbols could be easily checked with otool utility:

otool -Iv /Applications/Calculator.app/Contents/MacOS/Calculator

Indirect symbols for (__TEXT,__stubs) 27 entries
address            index name
0x000000010000f454     8 _CalculateExpression
0x000000010000f45a    14 _NSClassFromString
0x000000010000f460    18 _NSHomeDirectory

If there is no output from otool debug symbols were probably removed by strip or some other tool.

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